EVIRI $14 Million settlement

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EVIRI $14 Million settlement

Were you a credit card or debit card holder of Everi between February 16, 2016 and December 31, 2019? Did you use your Everi credit or debit card to make purchases? If you answered “yes” to those two questions, you were probably issued a receipt by Everi that disclosed too much of your personal and financial information to others.  

The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (or FACTA) limits what information credit card and debit card companies can put on printed receipts. It does so to protect the credit or debit card holder from identity theft. By printing too much information on receipts, Everi placed its cardholders at potential risk. A cardholder has filed a class action suit so that all Everi credit and debit card holders can be compensated for Everi’s mistake. Everi has proposed to pay up to $14 million dollars in settlement with its cardholders. Everi has not admitted to violation of FACTA.

What exactly happened?

A cardholder noticed that her receipt contained the first and last 4 digits of her card number. Federal law limits card companies to only printing out the last 5 digits of credit cards and debit cards on receipts. Federal law penalizes violations of the FACTA with payment of damages of up to $1000. The cardholder was concerned that the cashier who handed her the receipt very likely saw her card number. The cardholder was also concerned that her card number showed up on CCTV cameras. The cardholder was afraid that her card information may have been at risk for identity theft. 

What’s the name of the case?

The case is named Donahue, et al. v. Everi Holdings Inc., et al Case No. 2018-CH-15419 Illinois State Circuit Court of Cook County.  

Who can file a claim?
  • Any person residing in the U.S. between February 16, 2016 until December 31, 2019 who had used a debit or credit card at a casino in the US; 
  • The transaction(s) were processed using Everi Payments’ CashClub Technology 
  • The printed receipt was labeled “BIN” and it displayed the last four digits of the card number
How much can I get if I file a claim?

All valid claims will be settled on a “pro rata” basis. This means that whatever is left of the $14,000,000 after all the legal fees are deducted will be shared and shared alike by all valid claimants. The estimate is a claim settlement of $40-$60 per valid claim.

How can I make a claim?
  • Go to the settlement website and file a claim form. There is a submission button you can click on the website to fill in the claim form.  
  • Download the claim form from the settlement website, print it out, fill it in by hand and mail it to the Everi FACTA Settlement Administrator at this address:
    1650 Arch Street, Suite 2210
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
  • You can call their toll free number at 1-833-969-1221 and have them send you a Claim Form.  
Until when can I make a claim?

The deadline for filing a Claim Form is on February 1, 2021 at 11:59 PST. If you send your claim form by mail, your form must be postmarked by February 1, 2021.

How many claims can I file?

You can only submit one claim. It doesn’t matter that you had done more than one transaction or that you have more than one receipt.  You can only submit one claim for all the transactions you had on a card.

What kinds of information will they ask from me on the claim form?
  • Name 
  • Residential and Email Address 
  • Contact number 
What kind of documents do I need to submit?

You do not need to submit any document.
You only have to fill in the form and sign it. Your signature on the claim form is under oath. That means that if you file a claim but you don’t have an 
Everi credit or debit card or if you do have a card but you never made any transactions on those dates, you may be prosecuted for perjury. All claim forms will be verified by Everi and the Settlement Administrator before it is allowed.

When will I receive the settlement?

The proposed settlement is due for a final fairness hearing on November 30, 2020. After the court approves the settlement and all the appeals have been resolved, you can expect a check in the mail within 90 days after the final approval of the settlement.

Where can I get more information?  
  • You can check the settlement website. 
  • You can call the Settlement Administrator at 1-833-969-1221.  
  • You can download and read the notice from the court. 

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